Cab speed: 2 m/s
Tripping speed: 2,88 m/s
Ref. catalogue: Tab287 – 287.1
Force on drive pivot: Min 150 – Max 900 N
One-way progressive safety gear KB40 for lifts, goods hoists and vertical warehouses.
Guides thickness: 11 – 16 o 7 – 10 mm.
P+Q max according to the guides manufacturing:
Functioning: It is used to stop the cab or the counterweight only downwards. Each braking device consists of a movable wedge and a sliding shoe supported by disc springs that regulate the braking force.
Fixing: on the frame, up or down, according to the fixing diagrams in the manual.
It is possible to mount the cantilevered safety gear in a fixed way while this is not allowed for the standard one.
Optional: device with plates, connecting rod, group of levers, contact with manual reset, contact with automatic reset, rope attachment.
Each item code corresponds to a pair of safety gears.
Cab speed: 2 m/s
Tripping speed: 2,88 m/s
Ref. catalogue: Tab287 – 287.1
Force on drive pivot: Min 150 – Max 900 N
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